
 Hello, my name is Fayas Altigo from XI SCIENCE 7.

My birthdate is 7th August 2004 and my birthplace is in Bandung.

My hobby is to work on my designs, I do work as a freelancer online doing designs for my clients. But lately, I can't continue with my work due to my laptop got stolen.

Sure it's depressing.. But I have to move on, I can't keep focus towards something that already missing..

I sell caterings troughout my school, if you're interested  with my foods, you can contact me @fayasaltigo (LINE) 082295981165 (WA).

It'll help me a lot.. By buying my caterings, I can build a new computer so that I can continue doing my hobby/works!

I could say that I'm pretty fluent in english, but not that much if you ask me.. I didn't go to any english language course, I taught myself learning english by playing online video games. Not only english i learnt, I get so many friends because of video games.. I have a lot of friends that you can't imagine how much.. Really, I have a lot of friends that my mom was shocked how many friends I have!

And actually, because of those relationship I could get my hobby towards design so I really thanked them for getting me into designing stuff.

I guess that's all for now, I have a lot more stories in my life I could tell you.. But it'll turn to a book instead of a blog.



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